Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Top Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oil

If you are reading this, there is a very good chance that you want to make some changes and improvements in your life.  At VitaWise, we care about your overall well-being, that is why we offer weight loss products and other stuff that can help you boost your lifestyle. But enter Omega 3 Fish Oil – what is it exactly?

First, it helps protect you against air pollution. There was a study in 2012 where adults who took fish oil in a 4-week period were exposed to dirty air. And guess what? The other group of participants who did not take the fish oil had negative responses that those who took the supplement did not have. This shows that Omega 3 fatty acid supplementation can act as a buffer against cardiac conditions and lipid complications that come from air pollution. If you live in the city, you might as well use this to save you from the elements.

Second, ostheorarthritis gets neutralized! This is because the fish oil substance has within it the substances that can neutralize joint pains.

Third, since there is evidence that the shortening of chromosome endings can affect cellular regeneration and can lead to unwanted aging effects  - Omega 3 Fish Oil may very well neutralize these said effects. The omega 3 fatty acids can protect you because they protect against the shortening of the telomeres or chromosome endings. If you’ve always wanted to rediscover youthful vigor? Then perhaps fish oil is the one for you.

Have you always wanted to lose weight?

An Australian study has examined the effects of the oil supplement on exercise and diet. Sure enough, it makes for a great tool against losing fat. Research has shown that those who take the supplements may lose abdominal fat and lower their risk of heart disease. Trying to cut down on your snacks and meals can be tough, but taking the right supplementation might just do the trick.

Did you know that Omega 3 Fish Oil from VitaWise can also help boost your cognitive functioning? There have been studies that have shown a boost in memory and analytical capacity between users and non-users of the supplement. It is a great option if you want a healthy mind and body combined.

So what are you waiting for? Order today at

The best way to improve your life is to improve it in all its aspects. Omega 3 Fish Oil helps you gain a holistic advantage in health so that you can feel the newness of Life each day.